posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 9:06 PM
Saw a recent post from a friend/ex-schoolmate.

Well if you saw this post. I'm not trying to debate you and some sort.

But if you say guys lie to get off easily and girls lie to let their partner live well; It wasn't intentional but they just don't have the courage to hurt the other party ; therefore they choose to hide the truth?

If it's about a friendship. then motherfucker how come you still have friends.

Relationship? It take's 2 party to make a relationship work , you don't expect 1 person to do all the effort. Communication is 1 big part , TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING , ANYTHING.
You can't possibly endure all your pain , your sins alone , it's gonna hurt that someone ( who really loves you ) soon or later.

It's actually depends on personal belief's , but don't you ever thought if both of you explore each other's value & beliefs , share your deepest thoughts , wishes , hopes and dreams , know each other inside out would life go better for both for you? Putting yourself inside each other's shoe for a moment , understand why , feel for them . Love them.

Honesty ; keeping secrets from your partner creates a barrier between you that limits your mutual emotional trust. The truth maybe scary , but both must trash it all out , talk about your feelings , insecurities & frustration.

Sorry ;this maybe bullshit to you , it's just how I feel.

I'm just speaking on behalf of a friend of mine / & people whose been treated like this before.
& I know you ( the one who posted about lies ) will be looking @ this.
well , time to put yourself in other's people shoe , it will change your whole new perspective.
You may heed or don't to this , but shall wish you happy to whatever you might choose from now on.

oi you who I speak up for you, when are we gonna ask eddy out ah.

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