posted on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 2:19 AM
Oh it's been awhile due to my spacebar was kind faulty but I've got it fixed!

I've remembered this time when we are celebrating Zihui's birthday at her house and we all start gossiping bout someone. & you know bout me I'm a curious and rather annoying so I would tend to find out why. But the only person who knew kept her promise. (Y) Which reminds me of it's really hard to find someone that really kept their trust don't you?

Can I trust anyone? Can any of us really trust anyone? I've been doing a lot of thinking lately ; the more I think , the more I think back over the years, the less I trust anyone.How do we know that a person can be trusted? Who can we trust? When I think back, some of the people I've trusted the most have lied to me . I'm sure they thought it was for my benefit ( probably ) or maybe they thought it didn't matter . Most of the time I would just blow it off , not making a big thing out of the lie. What's wrong with me , I should be pissed , that person who I gave my trust LIED to me . Oh god bullllllllllllllllshitzzx.

I think people lie to each other everyday , every few hours , big lies or small it's still a lie. We are all liars . Someone tells you something , then later they tell you a slightly different version of the lie , and yet another version , and so on and on and on. I am very forward with people ( unless I wanna hint you for something ) Imma come right out and ask them very straight pointed questions . They will be your typical friends like "OH YES YOU CAN TRUST ME I SWEAR "
and next moment you will be believing them and stuffz. EVEN I DO IT TOO.
Oh well we ain't motherfucking lie detectors .

oh btw
Happy birthday sister (:
It's been more than 7 years I suppose. Do take care. Loserftw lovexz.

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