posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at 6:35 AM
I have written posts before about my efforts to understand love . That love can be beautifully cruel . I have gained a new appreciation for the different types of love . Young , or new , love as opposed to commited love. Apparently a person can love someone so much , they hate what the other person does . A person can actually love someone so much that they tell them to walk away . I believe love can change who you are. Love can change your very mind , your environment , your soul. I think a person can change so much that you don't even know yourself. Is a total weird experience to come out of a walking coma and realize you don't know who you are , in reality you've been hiding . Sometimes we just get to know the reflection in the mirror , the voice we hear coming out of our mouth , the person everyone else talks bout . Is that really me? It's hard to admit who we really are. But I think it's important . If you don;t know who you really are , how can you become the person you want to be?
This too shall pass.