Hello, I'm siting currently at mac right now, drinking iced latte, surfing facebook , stalking people, eating fries , waiting for time to pass , ice latte not really that naise, msn chat is getting boring , still got 3 hours to go, dying really slowly. like totally dying. I dont know what I'm writing now , but it still kinda cool. here is kinda hot , because I'm hot , okay joking , maybe not. Hello to you who is reading this , leave me a comment & entertain me before I chocked myself with fries. \m/
posted on Thursday, December 10, 2009 at 11:35 PM
alot photos is kinda screwed up! sorry hahahahahaha. crap.
posted on at 10:00 PM
Pictures by tonight baby! seeyaw guys.
posted on Friday, December 4, 2009 at 11:40 PM
So many Pictures to upload, so little time. Hmmm I shall update tomorrow. See you. Town with van for the whole day. ( Around Whole day. )
posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 10:57 PM
Hmm. I'm trying to find/write words of those sappy pop songs. But I've don't really have the right words. Some people chooses to use lyrics to show how they feel , actions to rant their minds out, poems to drown their sorrow.
Are those thoughts that travel through your subconscious mind were meant to be heard? When is the right time to show it , to give it all out. Happy, Sad . Who knows.
posted on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 6:56 PM
Today was one of my worst day of my life. talk about it later. -