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posted on Monday, May 31, 2010 at 10:19 PM

aw fuck this is insane. Can't wait for chalet.
posted on at 1:36 AM
바네사 당신이 그리워요 내가.
posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 10:59 PM

Really don't know what to post today .
So so so , please if you have any ideas where to get dog toys ( you know the rubber ball and stuff that makes a squeaky sound when you press it? ) yes do tell me okay .
Snowy keep tearing them apart . I need more of those . IMMA LOVE YOU .
posted on Friday, May 28, 2010 at 4:40 PM
posted on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 10:23 PM
Town in the morning with Mrs Loh to get her bagz , my shirt . woohoo shopping.
Bishan to collect my retarded camera.
Just came back form midnight curry with the guys.
Still hungry still grumpy. MAYHEM GIG ; WHOSE ON!?
posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 10:19 PM

Please my face big like pancake. sorry.
That's the topiczx.
Okay I'm gonna end in 5 BULLETS.
1: Friends are people who you have fun ; share ; fight ; go through tough times with.
2. Some friends do take you for granted ; using you when they need you . If not most of the time they dont give a fuck about you so what i suggest is you can't always expect too much from a friend ; you give in some you take some , worst come to worst you give for free you talek noting back. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.
3. If you encounter something like bullet 2. & you're really abcdefg sad ; then move on , there's always chance to make new friends and such.
4. Well sometimes when things really doesn't go your way in a friendship ; got get a dog ; like mine ; which loves me in whatever I say. I'm a sucker i know.
5. Okay last bullet is to their head. Kill them . IM JUST KEEDING.
Life sucks I know ; boh bian anikuan still must go on.
posted on at 6:20 PM
Just came back home from the park with my doggggeeeeeeh.
Gonna get a new tv later on. woohooo.

SNOWY: I'm a dog that meows. DONT LAUGH OR I CHEW YOUR SOCK!
posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 11:19 PM
Singapore recently fucking hot & humid ; This kind of temperature rate everyday ; my face how to recover siohxz. There goes my skin care fee.

okay bye fuck off.
posted on at 8:30 PM
Went to Sim lim tower to collect my silicone & get my shirt.
The thieve's market is holytheng.
The sell all kinds of stuff. HAHAH
iPhone to your mother's used
UNDIES. (gross only;still can wear)Photo may SUCK ; cos I'm using my phone's 2 m.p ;

off to dinner / Cheers.
posted on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 10:55 PM
posted on at 1:09 AM
Never thought of wanting days to pass fast like this before.
This year PUOR PI faster finish.
Gonna get my blackberry next week. weeeeeeee.
posted on at 12:10 AM
Today weather is as hot as...
MeganFox + Today's weather(26 to 32degrees) =
In case you don't know ; Megan Fox won't be starring in the upcoming movie
" Transformer 3 "
Most of the guys will be like totally " WTF FML LA " ( like what I actually did )
The director of Transformer & Paramount Pictures have decided to make Transformer 3 without Megan Fox ; The female lead for both Transformer 1 & 2 ( In case you live under a rock for the past 3 years )
Wait wrong wrong wrong.
Megan Fox has decided not to return back to Transformer 3 after starring in both 1 & 2.
There ,no need to go into the whole ' who said what' stuff but I must admit this incident will make the upcoming season so damn intresting.
From what I saw on the internet news this angle of the story was Michael Bay ( Transformer 2 Director ) insists on Megan fox to eat more as he think's she's too skinny & look too frail .
The crew don't think she look too well , let alone the wholesome stars they cast in the first flim .
Megan insists to rather look skinny then to put on weight which Michael Bay retaliate.
Imagine Megan Fox put on some weight. & she get obsessed in food. jeez
It might turn you on & off in 5 seconds.
From this
to to to to to to
I have to say it still quite hot. HAHAH
posted on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 5:13 PM
from some random blog I bang into.
post was like
If you're important to someone else.
the person will always find ways to make time for you.
no excuse.
posted on at 2:49 PM
Every song I heard on the radio , somehow relates me & you.
posted on at 3:37 AM
This ain't a love song ; this is goodbye.
posted on at 2:21 AM
After today I realize there's alot of people who don't take other's feeling seriously.
isn't that the fun part in life?
Worthy? I doubt so.
posted on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 6:15 PM
You were always hard to hold ; So letting go ain't easy.
posted on at 4:16 PM
Push me , and then touch me , till I get my
satisfaction .
posted on at 1:27 PM
Talk is cheap , give me the words you can keep.
posted on Friday, May 21, 2010 at 9:59 PM

Ever thought of why all this happens?
No new photo for this few days ; cam in servicing .
bye bye.
posted on at 12:13 AM
I miss those days when I just walk you home ; we will always take forever to finish that 10mins walk . Stop every few minutes to do some retarded stuff to make each other laugh. We always don't wanna leave each other that time. why.
posted on Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 9:40 PM
Hey sarpork my friend's CYBER SHOP ( Blogshop sounds cheesy )
Okeh bye enjoy.
posted on at 9:06 PM
Just came back from grocery shopping with my mum ( That's the only chance to get more coffee powder ! )
Have been addicted recently ( having my 2nd cup nowxz )
Okeh bye.
posted on at 6:19 PM
This video you bout to watch is fucking awesome.
No wonder they are one of the top country who create your freaking tv.
okay bye I'm out to have dinner with mum & dad.
posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 9:06 PM
You & I know a blue light from a school bus pen can uncover your love for me. I'm gonna go rest now ; just came back from jogging with my doggeh.
posted on at 7:46 PM
Hello if you're Leow Zhen Qi's friend on msn ; do talk to her on msn now as she has
accidentally deleted all her contacts.
posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 10:17 PM

I skipped GYM today & ends up playing carom instead.
My T-20 is seriously dead ; gonna go j8 to have it service .
Okay I don't really know what to post today. Give me topic la you all keep complain abcdefg.
posted on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 8:27 PM
Met KJ & BP during evening for gym ; buttttt the gym only opens @ 7pm.
So we play badminton instead. jeeeeeeeeeeeeez.
Heh My cam seems to be faulty today. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
But I'm gonna bring you photos anyway.

posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 8:57 PM
Ikea with my parents to get eh eh eh eh ehe he he TV RACK ; Clock & a few containers. FOR MEH ONLY. mwhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . After my new tv arrive , Imma feel like a pimp.
OKOK WTF -.- .

Having to hang out with a few bunch of people recently ; heartfelt talks & such
everyone's words the same , let me put everything into summary ; the sentence is
Everything Happens For A Reason ; how cheesy when we only use the phrase when it refers to something horrible & such.
Maybe tomorrow I'll may figured out a little bit more of this . Maybe it's all been done. ( Though we know wishful thinking is just that )
I'm gonna go bring my dog for a stroll .
& Study after that.
& you should like go buy me some choki choki.
posted on at 2:10 AM
Subway ; Pool ; Bus ; Cab ; Midnight ; Music ; New friends ; Miss you ; Rumors ; Joke .
posted on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 7:29 PM

Imma do a short post as I've just came back from town & Im gonna go out again.
Only me didn't bought anything as the freaking zapato cost $180. not today! sdubjgdf
posted on Friday, May 14, 2010 at 11:01 PM
I've gave up trying.
OH; Dinner/Chinese Recap alone @ mac ( I ain't emo ) after I caught up with 1 of my friend who I didn't get to speak to for a while. Skipped science class today as I know the chapter that they are going through are matters.
Shoppppping tomorrow.
( Just like this , you change to a comfortable pair , and walk off )
posted on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 8:24 PM

She told me she wanna see the black & red zebra.
posted on at 3:27 PM
Annoying Orange / Jizz in my pants : hello ah Tai shun jie , cc please.
ALEJANDRO BOON KUM STEVEN / Boonoob : That's the most epic name i evar seen.
The Loverboy / Seetoh Johnson Sae Jun : the seetoh who is left behind ; means you've move on ? or whatxz.
posted on at 3:20 PM

Remember the night ; when I lied , to bring you surprise .
It wasn't really a awesome party , because it was just you and me.
I really hope you enjoy that night ; although it was 20mins.
really hoped it somehow makes your night.
posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 11:02 PM

btw I had a haircut today , so this isn't like my hair right now. awwwwww
how to get through next year's V.a.n.l.e.n.t.i.n.e. ??
posted on at 8:59 PM

Mahjong + Dinner with the guys.
Bang into one old friend. HAHAH retarded totally only can.
Okay stomachache .
Day 19 already. I'm still holding on.
posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 10:50 PM
Lately I've been feeling smothered when we spend the days together.
I have been thinking too much lately. What do I have to show for it? Noting good .
It's cruel for one of us to pretend that this means something so much more. That's the thing about love. Once you say it out loud, you can't take it back . Even if you didn't . There types of situations are never fair. And I don't think she has the slightest idea that I'm beginning to feel this way. We didn't see each other for few weeks. I felt numb ,
I never belive in sentence or quotes " I Skipped a beat when I saw your name " I realize it really occurred on me. I'm sorry but I hope you know life seems kinda meaningless without you around . It's not easy to move on. everywhere is you & me. I miss you. Your face .
posted on at 9:06 PM
Saw a recent post from a friend/ex-schoolmate.
Well if you saw this post. I'm not trying to debate you and some sort.
But if you say guys lie to get off easily and girls lie to let their partner live well; It wasn't intentional but they just don't have the courage to hurt the other party ; therefore they choose to hide the truth?
If it's about a friendship. then motherfucker how come you still have friends.
Relationship? It take's 2 party to make a relationship work , you don't expect 1 person to do all the effort. Communication is 1 big part , TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING , ANYTHING.
You can't possibly endure all your pain , your sins alone , it's gonna hurt that someone ( who really loves you ) soon or later.
It's actually depends on personal belief's , but don't you ever thought if both of you explore each other's value & beliefs , share your deepest thoughts , wishes , hopes and dreams , know each other inside out would life go better for both for you? Putting yourself inside each other's shoe for a moment , understand why , feel for them . Love them.
Honesty ; keeping secrets from your partner creates a barrier between you that limits your mutual emotional trust. The truth maybe scary , but both must trash it all out , talk about your feelings , insecurities & frustration.
Sorry ;this maybe bullshit to you , it's just how I feel.
I'm just speaking on behalf of a friend of mine / & people whose been treated like this before.
& I know you ( the one who posted about lies ) will be looking @ this.
well , time to put yourself in other's people shoe , it will change your whole new perspective.
You may heed or don't to this , but shall wish you happy to whatever you might choose from now on.
oi you who I speak up for you, when are we gonna ask eddy out ah.
posted on at 8:11 PM
Today : Dinner with the guys. Chit chat . Goofing around.
Off to edit some stuffs. Catch me back on twitter? hope so yeah.
I guess I'm gonna sit back. & wait for you , or to be over. who knows.
posted on at 1:16 PM
Imma sucker for love.
posted on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 11:49 PM
Oh yeah Pb?
Don't know who you really are.
But yeah. Your info is always first scoop huh.
I really wish to know who you're.
Thanks anyway huh?
I'm sorry to delete your message but yeah, I don't wanna hurt anyone , especially me.
posted on at 11:46 PM
I don't expect something like this from you.
Maybe I'm really foolish , maybe I'm blind.
I don't care. I just wanna be by you make you happy.
posted on at 11:07 PM

I'm so paranoid it kills me sometimes, I never think about what thins might do to her. Or I'll think about it, but that doesn't change a thing about how I feel. There are too many details I need to get out but it's just too much for my weary heart.
posted on at 8:16 PM
why delete. why?
why so fast?
does we matter at all in the first place?
aren't you good act acting ?
so many questions?
posted on at 12:58 AM
When you're down , I'll be there when you need me.
When I'm down , who is willing to be there for me?
posted on at 12:46 AM
I'm going insane.
can you come over give me a hug ; tell me everything is gonna be okay?
posted on Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 9:45 PM
I miss you / hope to see you soon / beginning to think that my life can't live without you / I really with you would be here by me like what I've did for you / lately I've been feeling down/ make it better? / surprise surprise you miss my shoulder I miss your face.
posted on at 4:10 PM
You know what. I still love you.
Every little actions you did nowadays breaks my heart.
I really want to be there taking care of you. No other people taking advantages of you and such.
You left me ; I respect you ; You told me don't worry. how to?
You know ; I just don't want one day when is just too late?
posted on at 3:50 PM
Seriously I hope you see this.
I know maybe I don't have the rights to take care of you and some sort.
But at least if we are friends ; listen to me out.
Just don't continue your way of life this way already.
It's not brining you any advantages ; for guys yes. You should know what I'm talking about.
posted on at 12:17 AM

Dinner ; With the 8 retards + Pool .
Totally hilarious.
my fav photo.
lai liao lai liao.
posted on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 1:47 AM
Remember you always call me bobby lee ?
Because of some WU BI GAO?
I do hope we can do that again.
posted on Friday, May 7, 2010 at 11:12 PM
Remember that day went you faint at town ;
I held you tight , telling you everything is gonna be alright.
posted on at 5:23 PM
Remember I shared my mum's homemade brewed chrysanthemum tea ;
You shared your mum's Sweet/Sour Apple juice.
sweet huh.
posted on Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 4:58 PM

Poster is like freaking huge ; after I hang up?
Oh yeah coaster set is already on the wall.
posted on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 11:57 PM
Imma gonna give up. YAY
You're my leave , my right to a world more beautiful .
Never thought I'd be the one to say ; I'm still waiting for that day to come when you'll tell me what I've been dying to hear. From You. For me. Please. Because I don't want to cry over you anymore.
I can't say up halfway through the night thinking about you and me like I used to . It won't bring you back to me.
It just so unpredictable ; that something so unfortunate happen to me ; to us . maybe you?
posted on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 1:33 AM
I just realize that I'm actually pretending to be happy for the past few weeks.
& It seems there's no point of turning back.
But you're special though.
posted on Sunday, May 2, 2010 at 10:27 PM
Sunday was hella boring ; please don't talk about it. Didn't went dinner with parents though, went to have dinner with bp they all instead , chit chat , shop. Ain't much.
Imma go off to watch soccer. GEEZ WHY CHELSEA WINNING. byeeeeeeeeeee.
posted on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 10:47 PM
Went to malaysia with my sister today. Shopping for her & food feast for me huh!? haha.
Was pretty crowded though. Tsk. I'm tired , shall do a proper post tomorrow. bye.
please don't tell me you've got someone on your mind already because it seems that way to me.
posted on at 12:30 AM

Remember you told me you crave for Ice cream & Cherry .
We went shopping straight away for it.
Aren't you cheesy & cute that time.
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