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posted on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 2:19 AM
Oh it's been awhile due to my spacebar was kind faulty but I've got it fixed!
I've remembered this time when we are celebrating Zihui's birthday at her house and we all start gossiping bout someone. & you know bout me I'm a curious and rather annoying so I would tend to find out why. But the only person who knew kept her promise. (Y) Which reminds me of it's really hard to find someone that really kept their trust don't you?
Can I trust anyone? Can any of us really trust anyone? I've been doing a lot of thinking lately ; the more I think , the more I think back over the years, the less I trust anyone.How do we know that a person can be trusted? Who can we trust? When I think back, some of the people I've trusted the most have lied to me . I'm sure they thought it was for my benefit ( probably ) or maybe they thought it didn't matter . Most of the time I would just blow it off , not making a big thing out of the lie. What's wrong with me , I should be pissed , that person who I gave my trust LIED to me . Oh god bullllllllllllllllshitzzx.
I think people lie to each other everyday , every few hours , big lies or small it's still a lie. We are all liars . Someone tells you something , then later they tell you a slightly different version of the lie , and yet another version , and so on and on and on. I am very forward with people ( unless I wanna hint you for something ) Imma come right out and ask them very straight pointed questions . They will be your typical friends like "OH YES YOU CAN TRUST ME I SWEAR "
and next moment you will be believing them and stuffz. EVEN I DO IT TOO.
Oh well we ain't motherfucking lie detectors .
oh btw
Happy birthday sister (:
It's been more than 7 years I suppose. Do take care. Loserftw lovexz.
posted on Saturday, August 28, 2010 at 12:30 AM
lame ass comment will not be entertained.
posted on Monday, August 23, 2010 at 11:00 PM
When you try your best , but you don't succeed .
When you get what you want , but not what you need.
Could it be worse?
posted on Sunday, August 22, 2010 at 7:17 PM
I'm back . Finally have a few minutes to unleash my brain , actually there's noting much.
Well I'm writing today beacause I can't seem to focus on anything else ( I have a totally weak attention span ) . Maybe I won't even be able to focus on this either. There's so many plans that has been made & not yet done. I guess I shall do a timetable or some shit. Or even better . Cut down the time I spend on social networking & do something rather more productive .
posted on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 2:19 AM
Welcome to rainy day. Well I've actually caught up with a few new/old friends recently and lost a few. ( oh well some people are just that FUCKING realistic ) Things aren't as them seem ; nobody is real? You never really know someone? We just know the person they want us to meet. The more you listen to people , look at people or pay attention to people , the more you realize that everyone is hiding ; not everyone is exactly what they seem to be in your face. Sometimes even including me ; We are all wearing a costume , trying to disguise the being inside.
It's really hard to find someone who you actually get to be yourself & enjoy without a slight chance of getting embarrass , that's when you find that special one ; that one who doesn't look at your flaws and love you for who you are.
Please don't rain on my Saturday. I wanna fly a kite ; throw a boomerang & enjoy a spring chicken for dinner.
posted on Friday, August 20, 2010 at 12:11 AM
Life goes on. It just keeps drifting by.I feel like I'm trying to tie off to the dock , but I'm never quick enough.I want to make it stop .Stop long enough so that nothing happens.Have been watching enough tv recently . Did you give a shit about the commercial/advertisement ?Like the TV commercial where everything freezes in time and one guy keeps on living ,or at least going through the motions.Remember when we were kids and played ICE&WATER? That's what I wish I could do to everything and everyone around me.
there's always not enough time.
Imma save money for TDWP tee. omfg chiooooooooottm.
posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 4:31 PM
time to pull up our fucking socks.
Karma will get you.
posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 1:08 AM

posted on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 3:34 PM
posted on at 3:03 PM
Be Gone with you, you articles of nothingness.
I don't know what I have to do to prove myself.
This audience is stern.
Grey is what has risen from the pits.
Choose a new medicine to control it.
You thought you had me fooled.
The grey is what has risen from the pits.
posted on Friday, August 13, 2010 at 5:49 PM
I'm blogging on my phone nowxz . TEST TEST TEST.
posted on at 5:45 PM
Gotcha car play gems on shine, said it's mine, get a mink, baby girl lets ride
You the Number 1 stud, and we're gonna glide
And go straight to the mall, and turn out the inside
Prowler Gucci full length leather, Bourbons cooler, Gucci sweater
Twenty inches pop my feather, The Bird man daddy, I fly in any weather
Alligator seats with the head in the inside
Swine on the dash, G-Wagon so Fly
Number 1 don't tangle and twist
When it come to these cars my hands are faithful
The Gucci with the matching interior
3 wheel ride with the tire in the middle
It's Fresh and stunna and we like brothers,
We shine like paint
Daddy this our summer
The Devil Wear Prada - Still fly.
posted on Thursday, August 12, 2010 at 2:58 AM
I have to block out thoughts of you , so I don't lose my head.
They crawl in like cockroach leaving babies in my bed .
Dropping little reels of tape, to remind me that I'm alone .
Playing movies in my head that make a porno feel like home.
Hate me today .
Hate me tomorrow .
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you.
posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 9:48 PM
Dreamcatcher baby.
posted on at 4:18 PM
No excuse to be so callous
Dress yourself in bleeding madras
Charm your way across the Khyber Pass.
posted on at 1:37 AM
I'm back. It's strange that time is flying by , yet things seem to be standing still .
We are able to continue to keep moving forward no matter what setbacks we've encountered .
But , I don't think that I appreciate this fact enough . What we are accomplishing under the circumstances is noting short of a miracle when you step back and think about it.
Yeah so obvious I'm having trouble getting my head around my life lately . I feel like I'm floating between a dream and a nightmare. It's like having you back for a moment ;
but ain't the same you. what to do. what to do?
Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.
posted on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 2:39 PM
posted on at 3:34 AM
Have been going through old blog post , old photos , birthday cards , anniversary gifts you gave . reminds me of wayy too much stuff and realize how time flies ; I wish a person could erase memories from their mind. You would think that as head fills with new memories ; they would push the old ones out . Obviously that is not the case ; As I get older, distant memories are becoming more clear . I have been recalling events from my childhood that haven't popped into my head in decades. It's kind of weird . Life as a child ain't that bad afterall ; we don't need to ask for too much ; all we need is just a little fun ; I remembered as a child I would be watching cartoons all day ; and next moment when I heard this BELL ( UNCLE ON A MOTORBIKE WHO SELLZ ICE CREAMXZ )
BAMMMMMMXZ. You would see me rushing towards my mum just like how a fire fighters heard the bell. I would get the awesome 2 bucks and rush down to the uncle before he drivez away. I would be happy the whole day licking that damn ice cream ( sounds fucking wrong , but you get what I mean ) Oh well how naive we somehow gets . Every year past so fucking fast nowadays . So hard to keep up with everyone , nature , technology . As we get's older , burden gets pilled up , homework , jobs , studies , relationship . Jeez how life so predictable nowadays.
How I wish life would be simple as a kid. Don't you?
I did enjoyed my time with you guys I called friends who I really get to catch up with nowadays.
Including you, whose reading this till now and didn't get bored (Y) Kudos.
Thank you for making a part of my life meaningful .
posted on Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 1:11 AM
skipped the movie SALT with the guys today and went to study and dinner/chill/gossip.
Snowy very sad ; cos mum and dad went to KL to have a holiday.
Aww you.
posted on Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 4:24 AM
-This weekend gonna be hectic . Can't wait.
posted on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 9:30 PM
-Feeling kind of blah today. For some unknown reason I am still able to get up and at least post something. I was way lazy before coming back to here. What a huge freaking relief things are getting less erratic here. For sure I know this is opened for public scrutiny, so, it kind of motivates me to blog regularly. I guess people tend to be rather annoyed when strangers don't get to see their things.
Oh yeah ; people who asked about music/names of mine etc ( BVB ) It aint emo. I'm just saying.
Technically, Black Veil Brides isn't emo (EMO is just another label that is slapped on by insecure people) Personally, i like their music and you may disagree, your opinion is yours and my opinion is mine. If you think they wear a lot of make up and have unisex hair, just look at nearly all of the bands from the 80's. Now those are a bunch of dudes that look like chicks. I'm not bashing any of the 80's bands, but I'm just trying to prove a point.
So if you have a problem don't bother to tell me , cos I won't give a flying fuck.
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