posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 7:31 AM
Hello . Is there anybody out there? I have been so busy lately that I've deprived myself the joy of blogging. But I do enjoy the time hanging out with the guys. All the movies , games , supper etc was fun as hell. Over the last few weeks many greats blogs have entered my head , fumble around a while , and slipped away , leaving very little behind. It seems life one thought enters my head and kicks another one out. I need to record everything inside my phone when I get some point instead of relying on my fuzzy mind. Oh well I tend to get really distracted when I'm having fun. it's 7:30 am right now. & I've just got back from breakfast with Mum & Dad. Shall start studying & packing my room a lil . Be nice & leave me a suggestion , or a question on my formspring alright . KTHXBYE.