posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 11:48 PM
Sorry for the lousy quality. Someone very cute didn't return me my camera charger.
It takes a lot to hate you. Too much to even forget you. But way too little to start loving you all over again, and every time when I'm beside you my tiredness, drowsiness everything just seem to vanished into thin air. And all i ever wanna do is just to spent lil more time before we had to bid goodbye, maybe it's just we hardly get to meet up, which makes me miss you more. I want our year to past as quickly as possible, so we can make more bottle letter. Your more than just a partner to me. Is something way more than words can explained. Something special.
I love you.
posted on Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 1:18 AM
posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2010 at 8:13 AM

Oh hi there. Remember me? Yeah it's been awhile. Been busy sleeping, cos I'm always tired after having fun or working.
I've been through this stuff again& since I can't sleep thanks to my itouch error I decided to drop by here and rant. Some friends are downright typical. It's like they only need you when they need help, and when they don't need, they won't even say hi to you when they bumped into you on the street. How awful. I ain't great, but I always tried not to say no when come to request, it's hard to came out from the mouth, well I know how it feels after certain past, been rejected just for a few revision notes and art crafts always seem so demanding to others. Nobody's perfect, but you don't have to be an asshole isn't it?
Sometimes I am selfish, i've know this for a long time, but the ways that kill me are those that keep me from the people I love the most. When I silence phone calls, or don't call back, or forget, not replying text messages ( You guys know it ) don't say good night, don't listen , don't go home or don't make the time. There are the ways that this goal of mine consumes me, eat me alive , crushes my hopes & mind . There are many ways that it doesn't. too many.
Will be trying to blog more often or just gonna update photo through my phone and my new dopeass itouch ( boastful much ) So just hang on here alright.
Can't wait for tomorrow. Gonna have a blast with love & friends.
on a side note. * Hi Love, please fall down more than me tomorrow! *
posted on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 2:46 AM
We just gonna take one step at a time.
posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 12:16 AM
posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 12:31 AM
Sorry for missing out in blogging, facebook & whatever social network there is.
Been busy, hanging out with the guys, hanging out with love, eat, drink shop, & shop & shop.
2 nights ago I got into my bed, shut off my lights, turned on my music, and tried to think about what was making me so unhappy. I didn't get it. Last night, I got into my bed, shut off my lights turned on my music, and I cried.
Yesterday was an obstacle, I choose to overcome and forget about it. I took your words, don't let me down. You meant so much, too much.