posted on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 11:41 PM
Pretending your asleep when your emotionally a wreck so the world will leave you alone.
posted on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 4:19 PM

I was misunderstood and labeled as someone who doesn't listen, it's a bummer when a friendly debate turns into getting misunderstood and labeled. And you can hear in the assumption, that they had this on their mind for awhile. Like they've been waiting for the right moment to slip it out and say it to you without feeling bad. I guess I'm an easy target like that, then of course I post about it ( like now , which I didn't update this place like forever ) feeling blue and confused and frustrated, because I know I'm not the person they're painting me out to be, and I really don't want to say something aout how it made me feel, to them; I didn't want to argue or disrespect them like they did to me, it isn't fair when that person sees your status and calls you out on and it makes a fuss, and proceeds to tell me I should'nt be posting statuses like that ( you know who you are ) Who the fuck are you to judge? that if I had a problem I should've told them to their face, well the proble is I didn't want to tell you to your face because I didn't feel like being a " know it all " and having you think I'm trying to be " always right " again I'm " not listening" . Plus I didn't feel like saying anything, which isn't a bad thing. Silent is good for avoiding problems. I just wanted to hold my tongue, because I felt it was a wise choice. I don't like arguing. It may come off sometimes like I do, I see it as a beig passionate about how I feel and believe about something. Never do I argue for the sake of arguing, that's pointless. Ultimately everything is what you make of it. You can see this a negative thing and get defensive, or take this as an opportuity to grow and learn and clear up misunderstandings. I definitley choose the latter by default. I grew up with too much people getting angry and defensive at every disagreement all the time. I choose to react to everything intellectualy and positively and with an open mind and heart. I'm not a person who likes conflict, I'm terrified by them. I'm never gonna fight with someone, when I know there are other ways to handle situations . Hopefully they don't take all too seriously. Plus man, I can post whatever the fuck I want, this is my blog, that is my twitter and my facebook. If I want to post about how something you said made me feel, I'm going to sure as hell do it. K , it's off my chest. I feel better..