posted on Monday, October 11, 2010 at 10:34 PM
You ever wondered what it would be like to watch your life like a TV series ? You know , sit in a nice comfy sofa , your bed and see your life from an objective point of view. It might scare the hell out of you. It might make you very sad . I won't like the chance to see my life for myself. I've had my life thrown in my face quite a bit lately and it's not how I remember it or how I want it. Too bad life ain't a Tv series , I'm not just an actor who can cancel a series , and recreate himself in the drama show. Sometimes things just happen right in front of your eye. Sometimes unprepared ; unarmed.

Do you remember how your dream was like ? Is it from a first person view or a 3rd person view?
Mine is always first ; which is rather nasty sometimes , always scary .
It's been awhile since I have a good dream. Time to think positive +++++++

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